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So. You have some minutes and want a "human readable" version? Sure thing baby!
2 6075 posted 15 years ago by optimal
Original Source from http://support.sas.com/kb/24/590.html
0 1180 posted 15 years ago by webonomic
If you don't have Adobe Acrobat Pro to export a PDF to multiple images, you can use this ImageMagick code. This command will produce the files 'result-0.jpg' , 'result-1.jpg', etc... for each PDF page.
5 1176 posted 15 years ago by webonomic
Useful for taking incorrectly-formatted UTF-8 strings containing HTML data, and converting them to correctly-formatted UTF-8 plain text. A handy tool for displaying HTML stored in a database.
4 1826 posted 15 years ago by X3Maverick
My friend Jamal Fanaian showed me how to convert a string to its' ASCII value.
0 3120 posted 15 years ago by luizlopes
This function takes a string containing a date in "mm/dd/yyyy" or "m/d/yyyy" format and converts it to a date object in AS2.
0 1101 posted 16 years ago by Winkyboy
Line 6 starts a loop (which ends with line 15). The ls command returns a list of filenames which are sequentially assigned to the shell variable x. The if test (lines 8 through 10) checks to see if the current filename is that of a plain file. If not...
0 1089 posted 16 years ago by jonhenshaw
3 1082 posted 16 years ago by Anthony
4 1207 posted 16 years ago by Anthony
Convert an number to a position / ranking. 1 becomes 1st, 2 becomes 2nd, etc...
2 1037 posted 16 years ago by distinctdev
0 647 posted 16 years ago by Meestercor
Command line currency convertor, just copy and paste. I named mine 'coin'. Make sure you have Ruby, Rubygems and Hpricot (gem install hpricot). e.g. ~$ coin 100 eur usd 158.3300 Uses the site xurrency.com.
1 776 posted 16 years ago by plexus
0 1032 posted 16 years ago by webonomic
0 765 posted 16 years ago by f0vela
Diese Funktion wendelt Entities in HTML Quellcode um, ohne dabei den HTML Quellcode zu zerstören.
1 852 posted 16 years ago by OscarWilde
2 801 posted 16 years ago by evanwalsh
3 1166 posted 16 years ago by DeadLy
Everything is either true or untrue, or both true and untrue, or neither true nor untrue
0 2714 posted 16 years ago by zvasanth
Convert 12hs format to 24hs format. In example: 10:00:00 a.m. return timestamp for 22:00. Or use: strtotime('1970-01-01 '.$hora);
1 720 posted 17 years ago by nicolaspar
Requires PerlMagick.
0 801 posted 17 years ago by iblis
Convert (comma separated) keywords to (space separated) tags in BibTeX files for use in social bibliography sites (bibsonomy.org, citeulike.org)
0 956 posted 17 years ago by iblis
- lowQ/ is the output directory - pass quality level from 1 to 100
2 996 posted 17 years ago by abhiomkar
0 1076 posted 17 years ago by netjackal
1 668 posted 17 years ago by whitetiger