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In this blog, we will see how to add custom fields to magento onepage checkout steps. This method can be used to add custom field to any step in the checkout page, although in the current blog i have demonstrated how to add it to the billing step. T...
0 554 posted 12 years ago by etechblog
Lastly, in order to make magento connect to work correctly edit the pear.ini (downloader/pearlib/pear.ini) and update al the paths that you see in this file. Otherwise magentoconnect will try to upgrade your old site when you use it. (the files do...
0 583 posted 12 years ago by hotdiggity
0 568 posted 12 years ago by hotdiggity
1 539 posted 12 years ago by rahijain
0 562 posted 12 years ago by rahijain
En algunos escenarios es posible que ante ciertas acciones o resultados, debamos modificar algún valor que se encuentra en la configuración general de Magento. Para modificar un valor de la configuración general de forma programática (si, suen...
0 518 posted 12 years ago by necode
0 548 posted 12 years ago by slav123
Prints layout Handles.
0 698 posted 12 years ago by JustMadMike
How long customer is inactive ?
0 558 posted 12 years ago by necode
The fastest way is to create a php file and access it through browser add the following content to file.
0 804 posted 12 years ago by necode
This article shows how to add default value to any system configuration option fields. System configuration option fields means those options under System -> Configuration. Suppose, you have the following system.xml file. System.xml file is necess...
0 714 posted 12 years ago by necode
Insert that into the database as a string. The example would give you the format 2011-01-28
0 766 posted 12 years ago by necode
If you are creating an admin module for Magento (learn creating admin module in Magento) then you would surely be asked to create grids (eg. for order listing). Creating grids can be somewhat difficult for the novice Magento programmers, but in this...
0 689 posted 12 years ago by necode
A collection is a Model type containing other Models, it is basically used in Magento to handle product lists (ie. from a category or a bundle option), but not only. TO DO: Explain how Magento Implements a collection - Use this to explain how Mage...
0 639 posted 12 years ago by necode
send mail with attached file examples: http://framework.zend.com/svn/framework/standard/trunk/tests/Zend/Mail/MailTest.php
0 746 posted 12 years ago by necode
Embedding Google’s +1 button is pretty easy and straightforward. All it takes is to include 2 code snippets in your web page. One goes in the header of the page, and the other one goes to wherever where you want the +1 button to render. To do so al...
0 652 posted 12 years ago by necode
Create a Hello World module in the Magento system Configure this module with routes Create Action Controller(s) for our routes
1 704 posted 12 years ago by necode
Save config: http://inchoo.net/ecommerce/magento/how-to-programmatically-change-magentos-core-config-data/ http://www.magentocommerce.com/wiki/5_-_modules_and_development/0_-_module_development_in_magento/how_to_add_a_custom_module_for_custom_admin_...
0 549 posted 12 years ago by necode
Every developer has favorite tools and a workflow that’s unique from other developers, so I won’t dictate which specific pieces of software you should use. Instead, for each piece of your development environment, review some choices if you don’...
0 539 posted 12 years ago by necode
0 1244 posted 12 years ago by necode
Magento first steps - for dev server. Creating Robots.txt file.
0 523 posted 12 years ago by necode
1. Open lib/zend/locale/data/en.xml 2. Locate territories tag in this file 3. copy one of territory tags for the syntax and paste it within the territories tag 4. hard part here is to add country code in this file as might not be able to fin...
0 854 posted 12 years ago by JustMadMike
0 579 posted 12 years ago by eristoddle
usefull navigation stuff works in magento http://www.webdesign-blog.ch/?p=17 http://www.pauldonnellydesigns.com/blog/get-parent-category-name-in-magento/
0 771 posted 12 years ago by nico65
0 670 posted 13 years ago by ronal