Native Image Size with jQuery

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Use this snippet to get the native image size of an image if it is resized with CSS or IMG attributes. Requires jQuery.

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. <script type="text/javascript">
  2. $(document).ready(function(){
  3. // your selector
  4. $('img').each(function(index){
  5. var img = $(this);
  6. // create new image object
  7. var newImg = new Image();
  8. // get the src attribute to get the image size
  9. newImg.src = img.attr('src');
  10. // for demo purposes, used to display height and width values
  11. img.hover(function(){
  12. $('#size').html("<b>Height:</b>" + newImg.height + "px, <b>Width:</b>" + newImg.width + "px");
  13. });
  14. });
  15. });
  16. </script>
  19. // HTML MARKUP
  20. <span id="size"> <b>Height:</b> 00px, <b>Width:</b> 00px </span>


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