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Use to sort table columns by clicking on the table headings
0 11630 posted 4 years ago by jlustre
have to change this snippet in order to hide filtered rows. Not tried out yet, but works fine in the jsfiddle
0 952 posted 9 years ago by bboydflo
I was studying Japanese adjectives and ye olde paper and pen wasn't enough so I made this. Basic as the basic can be
0 10159 posted 9 years ago by hamittou
This script handles table sorting, is easy to implement and to alter and has decent documentation. I did not write this JavaScript, rather, I found it here: http://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/sorttable/ I used this script on the ACEE WordPr...
0 709 posted 13 years ago by racl101
A javscript snipped which will mark each table cell with a CSS class containing the cell's column number. This allows you to set the table column widths using just one CSS rule and without hand editing the table HTML code. This is to workaround the l...
0 1300 posted 14 years ago by miohtama
sorting a table through javascript
3 872 posted 15 years ago by ginoplusio
/* --==[ EXAMPLE ]==-- var colors = new AArray(); colors.add("k01", {bk:"#fff",tk:"b",it:"hello"}); var oC = colors.get("k01"); var tT = ''; for(K in oC) tT += "[" + K + "]: " + oC[K] + "\n"; tT += "\n\n"; tT += oC.bk + "\n"; tT += oC...
1 805 posted 16 years ago by vbert
0 538 posted 16 years ago by valcartei
This function looks for tables in a web page, then loops through the rows and sets the backgroundColor for ever other row.This creates a striped table which is easier to read.
2 849 posted 17 years ago by 1man
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